If you are looking for a good and fair purchase with a good quality, follow us. So that we can provide you our services with the best price. For buying bitumen from Iran, we are ready to provide our best services for you. If you want to know the purchase process from beginning to the end, we are here to inform you and finally if you have questions you can contact our experts, follow us to know the condition of buying bitumen from Iran.
What is the condition of buying bitumen from Iran?
If you want us to inform you about the conditions, you only need to contact us and assure that you have the information you need. Thanks to the modern world nowadays buying bitumen from Iran is far more simple and easier than it used to be. As we mentioned before by making contact with us you can be informed about all our conditions, contracts, appointments and about what conditions or contracts need to be done between us, and every other thing you need to know.
How is our commitment?
In fact, we are here for you with a group of experts so that we can bring you the best result for cooperating with us. We try to provide a sweet and continuous cooperation for you and us. To prove our good intention, we have the most reliable contracts under the observations of juridical experts in which we mention the conditions from the beginning to the end and after the two sides of contract negotiated and came to an agreement we sign the contract.
Now we want to inform you about the other services, beside buying bitumen from Iran, we provide for you.
The services which Iran bitumen can provide
Iran bitumen company is ready to provide you the circumstance of buying bitumen from Iran, and in addition we are ready to offer you the variety of available bitumen with the best quality in the market.
And now let us give a summarized explanation of what is bitumen and where it comes from and what it is made of.
The different types of bitumen that our company can provide for you:
Oil bitumen
Natural bitumen
cutback bitumen
Trinidad bitumen
blown bitumen
emulsion bitumen
In fact, we can say bitumen is a black pasty material which is used for insulation in different places to prevent from humidity. Bitumen has different types which were mentioned above and each of them has a different function. Generally, bitumen is an oil production and some types of it is produced in the oil refinery.
Now let us talk about the features of bitumen. In fact, everything has some features that bitumen is not an exception. In this context we are going to mention those features which make the bitumen, bitumen.
Features of bitumen:
How is the temperature of bitumen? Bitumen is a soft and pasty material. In order for bitumen to be soft and smooth the temperature needs to be between 60 to 70 degrees.
If we want to talk about the purity of bitumen, we need to consider with which materials the bitumen can reach this level of purity. Actually the solvent materials of bitumen are Tetrachloro carbon and carbon sulfur. In other words, if we combine bitumen with these two materials we can have the pure material of bitumen.
Weight of the bitumen in high temperatures changes and decreases due to the evaporation of oil and its combinations. And this is an important feature of bitumen that it can be evaporated in temperature of 163 degrees.
Bitumen has a temperature in which the smoke caused in it can catch fire by getting near to the flame. And the highest temperature that the bitumen can tolerate to reach this point in the workshop is called the ignition temperature.
The other important feature of bitumen is the calculating the penetration level to estimate the level of the hardship of the material. There is an experiment related to this feature in which we put a 5-gram needle in the bitumen, in temperature of 25 degrees, for 100 seconds so that we can estimate the penetration level. The lower the penetration degree, the harder the bitumen is considered to be.
The other important feature of bitumen is its smoothness. The higher the temperature, the smoother the bitumen is. And if the temperature is decreased, bitumen gets harder and approaches to the solid material. For calculating this feature of bitumen, we can use saybolt furol machine or the Kinematics approach, by using these two methods we can estimate the smoothness of the bitumen.
Buy bitumen from Iran with the best quality
We can provide you the most high-quality bitumen with perfect price and in the shortest time from Iran and middle east. The only thing you need to do is to visit our contact page and send us email, or you can make a phone call on What’s app to keep in touch with our experts for all guidance you need. We guaranty you that our product is the most and the purest and will satisfy all your expectations. Due to these facts we proudly have many constant and perfect costumers from all around the world.
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